Friday, November 18, 2011

World's Over Journal XV Twilight Eyes

That very same night, as I sat silently upon the floor, there came a long drawn out creaking, the sound of a boulder rolling far off in the distance, an even more frightening thought of a doorway opening trampled into my mind’s eye. A shadow of fear fell over me for I had heard no such sound of its likeness as of yet in this strange new world. Slowly rising I hugged the outer wall of the tree house as to peer down the hallway and out the front door. No one was there, only an empty front porch light by the moonlight which shown down upon our farmstead.

With a great sigh of relief the fear passed from me; as it lifted I stepped forward still hugging the wall, slowly making my way towards the front door. Reaching the threshold I looked out over glade to our fenced in gardens, near the cliff by the water basin was the troll.

Without averting my eyes from her I picked up the quiver first, then the bow which stood ever ready in case of need, leaning against the porch under the kitchen window. The fear gripping at my heart did not stop me from advancing several steps down the porch towards her. I now had a clear line of fire at the troll, whom, I noticed, was filling the cup dipping it into the basin. There was a spear resting up right, butt end in the ground, beside the troll with a large head of shining steel which gleamed bright silver in the moonlight. The troll seemed to have noticed me for she stepped off the basin's first terrace, though she did not get any shorter. It appeared that the troll's legs were triple jointed like those of a cat, and that she had been sitting there all this time upon the basin, her hind joint collapsed upon themselves. It hit home hard in my heart just how great of size the troll was as she stood there before me, no less than six and a half feet tall. The troll had been making every attempt to make herself appear small and weak, as prey no larger than myself.

Her white left hand took firm grasp of the spear by its center grip and with a mighty twist it came out of the ground, as it did so the troll stepped forward into a battle position. At her side in the shadows of her cloak I saw the sheaths of many deadly blades, I knew then that I was in the presence of a maiden of battle.

Large yellow eyes flickered at me and I felt as if her blade had already pierced my heart, a fear beyond any I had ever known came over me. Brow sweating and hands clammy, my right gripping tightly the shaft of the bow, and the left an arrow no yet set to the string. The troll narrowed her eyes, but they had shifted their gaze from me, she seemed to be looking past me over my shoulder. There came a loud high pitched scream behind me and the next thing I knew the troll maiden had disappeared into the lush forest in the direction of the water falls beyond the glade of Golem Rock.

In earnest anticipation of,
Without Charles

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