Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Charles & Ravice

The next morning we awoke to a rapping upon the solid oak frame of the front sliding door. At first I did not rise, expecting to hear Allyndran's cloven hooves upon the the floor as she passed, but she didn't and Edgarory had gone into the undercity last night after dinner. Blinking under the duress of dawn's radiant orange light, I slowly open my eyes. Putting on my pants, tunic and socks I rise, stretching before I turn to the door and walk over to open it.

The hallway is empty as is the rest of the house. There is a knock on the door frame again, though it seems quieter than the first few times and close to the ground. Looking around slowly, scratching my head I walk towards the door. Sliding the thin white screen door open slowly, I find that no one there.

A moment later the knock is there again, but this time it is beside me, on the frame near my left foot. I turn, suddenly completely awake, yet again no one is there. Then there is a rapping upon the frame to my right, I turn but no one is there, yet this time I hear a the giggling between my firmly planted feet of what can only be a mouse. Near the screen door there is another more jovial whole hearted laugh, there before me stood Freya, a wide grin upon her face.

'My friend, I know you are not as fast as once you were,' I said with a sly wink, 'then who stands giggling between my legs?' Freya's bright smiling face quickly turned to stern stone, though I her wink, which was not directed at me.

'Ah that is right,' Freya began with a smirk, 'you didn't meet any of my family during the chaotic season, the aftermath of the falling tree.' A small mouse dressed in a red, brown and orange tunic with a deep gray cloak walked out from beneath my feet to stand beside Freya. 'This is my youngest, my daughter Ravice.' As she finished Ravice gave a deep bow, though earnestly respectful, she had not finished giggling, and so took a rap upon her head from her mother's cane.

In all hopes of returning,

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