Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Charles & Freya Amidst Angels & Demons

Under the Grey Troll Statue, beyond which still lay the vale of mist, yet it dwindled before my eyes as I stepped between the statues lets to find myself behind the statue. There at my feet a path of large red stones began. The coral red stone stood out like stars in the dark as the island which was home to Edgarory's village was one massive black stone. There I waited for several minutes until villagers started to gather at the top of the pathway under a beautiful auburn archway of carved wood. Despite the landscape being entirely compromised of obsidian rock, as far as I could see along the shoreline of the island to my left and right, there grew a vast labyrinth of Manzanita Trees, though not as tall as those on the mainlands, most of which looked ancient, but there were many which were saplings to be sure. They made the island look much like one great thorn bush. There was little to no shrubbery save for two odd plants; one was a deep sea green which grew no taller than my shins and it had tiny golden and red berries the other was much like a rose save that the flowers were a deep purple and they grew more as a single large bush than a single flower.

From along the ridge of obsidian stone, under the archway and from perches in the labyrinth of trees branches, a dozen or more villagers looked down upon me. Not a single one of them looked alike, apart from being of Elvish descent, having long pointed ears, which stuck out sometimes six inches or more above the tops of their heads. Some were tall and red with white markings while others were shorter, almost young looking as if they were but children, with black skin and red or white markings, though I could not begin to fathom the age of any of them. The landscape of their faces held no signs of age, only their ever changing markings which swam like the tide about their bodies, sometimes only stopping so long as to formulate a new design, which could be as small as thin lines strung together like Japanese Kanji or a scenes taken from the landscape about them as to blend in.

Not even their eyes betrayed their age for those who I deemed to be in their youth had a stern gaze, filled with wisdom and patience; as if waiting for a moment to take up the defence of their village and end me. While those whom were taller which seemed to be of an older generation, at first glance alone, held mirth and joy within the complexion of their face, even in their eyes. Some were golden and much like a cat's, others were shades of green and sideways iris slit like a frog's while others were pitch black, grey or white and often hidden behind their hair, which for the most part was shoulder length or longer. Most of them kept their locks up in a tale or bun, though some let their bangs flow down beside their faces to fall over their eyes at will.

All of them were muscular and each bore a weapon, though their swords were sheathed, while their javelin, pole arms and bows leaned against their sides. For the most part they all wore a long very baggy style of pants, in navy blue, black, white, gray or red, much like a skirt or kilt, the Japanese called them Hakama. Their torso were covered by a light tunic, if by anything at all. Because they were so muscular and their frames held very little body fat it was hard to tell the women and men apart at times, save for those whose masculine or feminine features stood out, nor not all of the women had hips nor did they have very large breasts, even shirtless it was hard to tell at a distance the two sexes apart.

Under the gaze of Angels whom were Elves and Demons whose lineage were known as Daemons I remained silent for several minutes before I heard Edgarory ask those under the archway to part so he could get through. He came forth, but only far enough so that I could hear his voice call out, and so I followed him amongst a throng of his kin, into the village.

In all hopes of returning,
Charles & Freya

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