Dear Charles, the whole world changed seemingly right before our eyes. One moment, that seems a distant memory clouded by a thick low lying for - which I have no desire to alleviate - we were stumbling on the brink of a final world war; huddled together in the Bahamut quadruped crab tank with the rest of the family members, whose names I can no longer recall. Neither Priscilla or I can remember the name of her... Well, I am her mother now, but we'll get to that.
Where the rest of our tank unit ended up, who knows, I'm sure they had their chance to survive in flight and peace or to perpetuate the battle scene we were speeding towards, a land of ruin. I don't want to remember the stone towers that lay fallen, the ash that covers the dead from our own weapons, a destruction we conceived nearly brought all the earth into eternal silent mourning.
A month we've walked this beautiful earth. My darling Charles, have you seen with your brilliant green eyes the way this majestic forest lives? From the smallest insects stammering about in the underbrush and dust to the Trolls who've fashioned a city out of the mountain side, everyone is at peace. There are several tribes of Immortal Races in the valley, from elves and angels to trolls, goblin and daemons, all attempting to fashion what the human race could not, harmony.
Where once my heart cared only of our day to day survival on our homestead of reasonable comfort and stability of life, I've discovered that my soul longs to attach itself to this majestic and mysterious this world and the peoples who live within it. No hiding or running away, Freya, Toki, Kensori they are our friends, all of whom Priscilla has taken a fast friendship with, going so far as to even learn a great majority of their language, even in such a short time as a few days. Shall we tear down our bubble, our tree house, I think not. But the prejudice of the old world, illegitimate perceptions of the unknown, we must break down and set ourselves free of. Priscilla deserves a world where harmony reigns, by choice it will exist; Lived by those who stand vigilant in virtue.
I want us to make a vow, provided you agree, before the Troll Tribe that we will care for Priscilla as our own, that she is to be our daughter until the end of all things or time itself. I know you haven't spent much time with Priscilla, but I sense that your heart is changing as well. Though we are apart and there is no end in sight of our departure adventures, I know we shall see one another again. That you are a stronger and wiser man than ever, please don't forget our future is here and now. The past is not ours to hold onto, though we are in part responsible for the travesties, remember today and hold not onto yesterday.
I love you! Shall write again when I have time, Priscilla, Toki and I are heading with the royal court to the fountain before the gates, apparently late last night a small band of undead warriors arrived and wait patiently in the vale for the Trolls to send an envoy. Priscilla is rather excited to meet a lich for the first time. I just hope that my being creeped out doesn't show on my face and in my mannerisms around them. I must learn to give everyone of any race their own chance, for the Trolls have been lovely hosts! We shall see what types this band of undead warriors are.
In earnest anticipation of,
Without you...